Tiger News Game Week 2

6 Sep 2024 by Ahjah Harper

1. New Practice Schedule – School has now began for all. Per Pop Warner rules our practice days will now be Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-8PM and Saturdays 10am -noon.

2. Apparel orders and first order of custom uniforms has arrived. Please Pick up your order during Practice Saturday 9/7/2024 between 10am and noon.

3. Save the Date – Tigers picture day is Scheduled for Saturday 9/21/24 during practice hours of 10am -noon. Picture order forms will be available 1 week prior to picture day.

4. Cheer practice time change – For this Saturday only (9/7/24) Cheer practice will be held at Edgerton field from 4-6PM.

5. A second Apparel and Custom Jersey order will be sent out Saturday 9/7/24. Please make your selections and submit payment by end of practice on Saturday for items to be ordered.

6. The teams section of the app has been updated with a readable schedule for each level. Please understand this schedule is tentative and can change at any time. The schedule tells the date of the game and anticipated opponent. The home team has until the Wednesday prior to each game to decide game order and times. This will typically be posted to the app by Thursday mornings. ( I am delayed this week)

Game Week 2 Sunday 9/8/24 Game Schedule

Tigers 6U plays SWC at 9AM
Tigers 8U plays SWC-Gold at 11AM
Tigers 10U plays SWC at 1PM
Tigers 12U plays SWC at 3PM
All games will be played at Edgerton Field 1 Edgerton Park 14608

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